Technics launches KN6000 with enhanced feateres

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The Technics KN6000, latest development in the highly successful series of personal keyboards by Technics, is launched now featuring back compatibilty with predeccessors KN2000, KN3000 and KN5000 as well as a lot of new powerful sounds and abilities.
A large color display (640 x 240 pixels) allows individual layout of the welcome page and the setup of four customized displays with the most frequently used sounds, rhythms and functions for immediate access. The display guides through the main functions of the instrument and gives acces to the controls. For example a complete drawbar system can be displayed and setup including controls of attack and effects.
The KN6000's soundsystem offers a choice of more than thousand dynamic PCM sounds out of double the amount of memory than the KN5000 had. As many as 24 drum kits in stereo deliver the right sound for any style. DSP with 10 effects and 600 presets make sounds even more versatile.
Styles are featuring backing bands with up to 8-piece-line-ups. All sounds, including new amazing vocal sounds or powerful rock guitars and drums, may be used to create arrangements in any style. Arrangements include up to four variations, two fill ins and two intro/endings each and a choice between major and flat harmonies.
Music Stylist offers 1000 ready to play registrations which can be extended by user setups. Registrations are sorted by style, musical aera, alphabet or custom. Lyrics can be displayed while a MIDI file is playing. A microphone input with reverb and DSP-effects, a vocal harmony effect, a voice controlled brass simulator and a powerful on board sound system (2 x 18 watts + 30 watts bass), built-in sequenzer, chord-finder, style converter and a floppy disk drive are further features of the KN6000.
In addition to pitch bend and modulation wheels the KN6000 now offers a controller ball for the control of two effects in real time. A hard disk and additional pedals are optional.
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