Architectural Lighting
Mirage Colour Mixing for various applications

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British company NJD introduces the Mirage Colour Mixing system offering more than 65 000 colours produced from one head equipped with three lamps. A wide range of accessories allow mounting and adapting the Mirage heads for many applications ranging from variable architcetural lighting in shops, places of worship, meeting rooms, exhibitions or museums to lighting effects in bars, live shows or theatres.
A 3 lamp 12 V colour mixing head may use narrow, medium or wide beam lamps of 25, 35 or 50 Watts. Depending on the power of the lamps a small power supply unit can be used for a maximum of five heads of 20 Watt lamps, while a large unit powers up to 64 heads with 50 Watt lamps. The power supplies can work as stand alone units but also be controlled by DMX or other controllers.
A range of mounting accessories for wall, ceiling or truss mounting allow the Mirage system to be used in a wide range of applications.
© 5/2001 Pro-Light-News

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