Touring & Rigging
Touring & Rigging
High End Systems announces final software release for Status Cue
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High End Systems' Status Cue lighting console will have one final software release before the end of the year, adding Studio Beam, Studio Spot CMY and EC-2 to the fixture library. x.Spot will not be added due to the board's technical limitations in running a fixture as complex as x.Spot. There will also not be any other fixtures added from other lighting manufacturers.
Status Cue was introduced in 1993 and has been upgraded over the years with new software to operate High End's DMX-512 lighting fixtures and competing products until this year's release of x.Spot. High End officially discontinued manufacturing the lighting console last year, but will continue to support the product through its customer service department.
Jeff Pelzl, manager of HES Customer Service, says, "We will continue to provide parts and service to our customers in a variety of markets who have purchased Status Cue and are enjoying using it to run our lighting products."
Status Cue is a lighting controller with a popular cue-list and CD-ROM feature that is currently used for a variety of applications including architectural show control (Capitol of Puerto Rico, FAO Schwarz, Millennium Force Roller Coaster, Shanghai Hungpau Pedestrian Tunnel), 2001 concert tours (such as the Scorpions in Indonesia), TV shows (Miss South Africa Teen 2001) and more.
©  8/2001 Pro-Light-News - a division of pmn

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